Spooky Background. All the assets video.
Spooky Background. Video game assets for creepy background by Biim Games.
Spooky Background. First couple of huge animated trees.
Spooky Background. Second couple of huge animated trees with demonic and soul eater trees.
Spooky Background. Assorted trees, rocks, tall grasses and hanging roots.
Spooky Background. More trees, tiny grasses and tombstones.

Type of Asset:
image Art
Art file type:

Spooky Background Asset

More than 100 sprites for create your spooky/creepy game.

Ideal for Platformer & Metroidvania games.

Great also for Halloween games!

All images are in PNG format.

Content list:

SPRITES - 512 x 512
x13 - Background Trees

SPRITES - 256 x 256
x04 - Moon

SPRITES - 128 x 128
x16 - Trees
x03 - Moon
SPRITES - 64 x 64
x08 - Grass

SPRITES - 32 x 32
x16 - Graves
x08 - Hanging Vegetation
x16 - Rocks
x01 - Platform

SPRITES - 64 x 16
x08 - Terrains

SPRITES - 16 x 16
x08 - Tiny Grass
x01 - Platform

x01 - Fog (1 x 256)
x01 - Fog (160 x 120)